Monday 26 July 2010

Review: Predators

When the title of ‘Predators’ was chosen for the newest film in this franchise adding that extra ‘S’ sets very high expectations. By paying homage to James Cameron’s title of the alien sequel Robert Rodriguez is sending a clear message that more is better and to expect a high octane action sequel the original predator deserved. But does Predators earn its title and the plural or was it simply a clever marketing gimmick?

The plot wastes no time in getting started as we see Adrien Brody falling hundreds of feet towards a dense jungle. After a very hard landing, our leader awakens right in the middle of our first Predator homage, another soldier spraying mini gun fire and tearing apart the rainforest. We are gradually introduced to seven more survivors who fell into the jungle, all of which have no recollection of how they got there. Filling out this roaster brings the talents of Alice Braga, Danny Trejo and Walton Goggins. The group begins to determine that they are all very capable badasses in their own field. Mercenaries, Black ops, marines, yakuza; the only one feeling a bit out of place is the doctor Edwin played by Topher Grace. After a springing a few traps and an encounter with the vicious predator dogs the group realise they are definitely a long way from home and are part of a game preserve to be slowly hunted.

The characters are a mixed bag. The ones that make it towards the end are given sufficient development. Others are clearly only there to fill out the roster for trophy kills. The group ends up feeling a bit too big and waters down screen time which the main characters Royce and Isabelle (Alice Braga) could have used. Adrien Brody cast as the lead predator slayer is an unconventional choice when compared to the tank Arnold Schwarzenegger in the original. I was taken by surprise on how well Brody fitted into the role. He’s a confident, tough and remorseless mercenary with a clear objective in mind. Brody really gives a performance that makes you believe this guy could go head to head with the predator and would put up a good fight. It’s just a shame Brody and Braga weren’t given time in the plot to develop more chemistry.
Royce’s character was a good use of symbolism. All through the film we never know his name; he’s cold, lacks emotion and refuses to get close to anyone. By his very nature he is a predator. It’s only at the end when he shows human emotion that we find out his name. This mirrors why the alien hunters don’t actually have a proper name.

But how do the new predators fare? What new tools of destructions do they have? How creative are their kills and skills as hunters? Well not very is the answer. You’re not going to see many new sides to the trophy hunters in this film. In fact you will see less. Gone are the gadgets such as the Smart disc, spear and razor sharp nets. What you get is a much more stripped down minimalist predator like in the first film. Multiple visors, plasma casters, cloaking and brutal hand to wrist blade combat. It’s a direction that actually really amps up the tension over the course of the film rather than waiting to see one single use gadget and kill every few minutes. As a result the films feels a lot like the original, the predator is a methodically, terrifying force that doesn’t run in guns blazing.

The film reaches a very satisfying climax against the final predator, which once again pays homage to the original. It is let down somewhat by a totally out of place and needless betrayal by one of the group. You can see it coming yet it still doesn’t make any sense and is pretty unnecessary. The story could have continued perfectly well without it or more logical reasoning could have actually motivated the betrayal.

As a sequel, predators fails to create that adrenaline rush, edge of your seat action that the extra “s” suggests. It's an enjoyable action slasher and it is clear that director Nimród Antal was heavily influence by the original. You catch yourself feeling you’re actually watching the original when you see the group walking through the jungle to the ominous predator theme music and variations of it. It throws in a few too many homage’s for its own good but they never feel tacked on or corny. If you’re a fan of the series you’ll appreciate the winks and nods, but no alien skull anywhere to be seen this time I’m afraid. The amount of elements taken from the previous films is disappointing however as there really isn’t much new here. A new location, change in the predators character or extreme twist in the story was severely missing and would have helped towards bringing this franchise back to life.

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